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We. Are. Done. (and a open house)

It's official everyone, the farm is DONE. After a year of research, planning, designing, and building, we have completed the project. I'd like to extend a special thank you to all the sponsors and contributors to this project: 3M Wisconsin, Mr. Bobby Nyland, K+M Landscaping, and the Island City Academy. I'd also like to thank everyone apart of the design and construction team: Dr. Dickson Despommier, Mr. Dean Griffith, Mr. Chris Boland, Hunter Balog, Caleb DaBruzzi, and Lexie Simeon. I look forward to seeing everyone at our open house on Thursday, May 24th from 3-5 pm. Refreshments will be served. Open house will be held in the Cumberland High School Agriculture Department (Follow the signs from the main HS doors.) If you can't make it to the open house, let me know if there is another time you would like to visit.

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